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Craftsman Coins | About Us
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About Us


When I was a teenager browsing the aisles of a San Diego swap meet, I came across a grizzled craftsman turning quarters and 50-cent pieces into crudely shaped rings.


When I asked him how he did it, he smirked and told me, “It’s a trade secret I’m not willing to share.”


For more than 25 years, I forgot about it. I honed my photography skills until they were my trade. But one day while watching how-to videos on YouTube, I found a guy making coin rings. For six more months, the puzzle of how to do it stuck with me until a good friend took the time to show me his process.


I bought some tools, tinkered in my garage, and stumbled through botched coins and mangled rings until, finally, I solved the puzzle I’d come across all those years ago.


I’ve combined all of the education, experience and honest feedback I’ve gotten into what I consider the finest way to craft a coin into a ring. I’m proud to share these Craftsman Coins with you.

Marc, Craftsman Coins


The No. 1 question: Is this legal?

We wondered that, too. It is a violation of United States code to deface or alter a coin with the intent to defraud. We’re proud to legally showcase the beautiful and intricate designs of vintage and modern coins in an altered form as jewelry. Please read more, direct from the U.S. Mint.

Do you use only U.S. coins?

We handcraft each coin ring using the most pristine silver coins from the United States and around the world. We’ve made beautiful rings from vintage French francs, 1960s Olympics coins from Mexico and the U.S.’ very own 1880s Morgan silver dollars. Got a favorite country or coin? Just ask and we’ll do our best to find it.

Where do you get your coins?

We acquire most of our coins from local, licensed coin and bullion dealers to ensure fine quality and authenticity.

Where can I buy a Craftsman Coins coin ring?

Visit our Etsy shop to view some of our rings. You can also contact us to ask about our current selection or to request a specific coin ring. We’re also working with several San Diego retailers to offer our rings in stores.

Can I provide my own coin?

Absolutely. We’d recommend it be in near-uncirculated condition and contain mostly precious metals (ie. silver or gold). Please contact us directly if you have questions about the metal content of your coin. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the ring-making process will be successful when using your own coin.

What if my coin ring doesn’t fit?

It’s important to ensure your ring size when you order. Please visit any local jeweler, who can provide a free ring-sizing service. If you do need your ring resized and you live in the San Diego area, we’ll gladly resize your ring one time at no charge. If we must ship your ring back to you, we require $4.95 for shipping and handling.

C’mon, how do you do this?

We may someday get around to posting our own YouTube demo, but in the meantime, there are plenty of how-to videos out there to satisfy your curiosity. We’re proud to have perfected our process to minimize trauma to the ring and to the coin’s design.

Below is a selection of coins from our Etsy shop: